Categories: Carbon Neutrality

5 Environmental Myths People Still Believe In

Even though it is quite comfortable to believe what we are told about the environment but it is not what a responsible citizen does. Awareness is required when it comes to environment that supports us and proactive actions need to be taken to sustain it.

Environment is not an exception when it comes to myths. Environmental myths are spread around by those certain individuals who don’t want to be blamed for taking or not taking certain steps or common people who forward the information without fact-checking.


Here are some common myths and the facts behind them.


Myth – Climate change or global warming is a myth

Fact – Climate change, also known as global warming does require our attention and actions. It has been closely studied for years. It is evident from the things the Earth is experiencing like melting icecaps, rising sea levels, changing the geography of glaciers, increasing global average temperature etc. The reason for its growth includes human activities like usage of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), emission of CO2 from vehicles, deforestation, usage of plastic and consumption of processed foods. Climate change needs to be combated on an individual and global level. Countries need to co-operate and make pacts that help this cause.


Myth – Solar energy is expensive and complicated

Fact – Solar energy is actually very easy to opt and the cost of solar panels has decreased by approximately 80% since 2008. Home solar systems help you save on electricity bills and help decrease your carbon footprints. Furthermore, solar panels have a life of 20 to 25 years. They just need the input of sunlight which is renewable and free of cost. Individuals & companies need to use sustainable sources of energy and can also buy carbon credits to balance the harm they cause. The funds from the carbon credits are utilized in environment-friendly projects.


Myth- Electric cars are much better than fuel-powered ones

Fact – This isn’t true in every case. The sustainability depends on the source of electricity. If you charge your car with electricity coming from a coal-based plant, it is as harmful as using fuelled cars. Electric cars are relatively very expensive thus traveling by public transport, walking to close-by destinations or cycling are more affordable ways that people can contribute through.


Myth – Eating meat doesn’t affect the environment much

Fact – Meat-lovers often say that the food chain exists for a reason and that it doesn’t hurt the environment. But in fact, according to, consuming 1 KG of meats like lamb releases carbon equivalent to driving 146 kilometers in your fuel-driven car. It is best for your health as well as the environment if you become a vegetarian or vegan. But if you have to eat meat, eat chicken which is better for the environment than other meats.


Myth – CO2 emission can be eradicated completely

Fact – In today’s world, everything we use has a carbon footprint. Regardless of the products contributing directly or indirectly towards the carbon footprint, nothing can be practically done to eradicate carbon emission completely. However, we can minimise it by using greener means of transport, by opting a vegetarian or vegan diet, by spreading awareness about climate change. Beside them, buying carbon credits to offset the carbon emission is the latest green solution for environmental issues of today. 

Sagar Farkiya

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