Categories: Carbon Footprints

7 Habits To Adopt For A Greener Lifestyle

Global warming, ocean litter and various kinds of pollution are not new things to any of us. These evils have been existing for a long time for us to know the harm that they do to the only habitable planet we have. And It is our collective responsibility to protect this Planet. And it starts with us. As we know individual efforts develop the base for the changes occur in society and globally. So here are some green habits you can adopt to save the planet.

Utilize the eco-trio
Metal, glass and wood: three of the best alternatives to plastic would make your lifestyle greener, and save a whole lot of plastic from going to the landfills or into the oceans. Glass is mostly 100% recyclable alongside steel, aluminium and other metallic scraps that are not rusted. You can make it a habit to use items made up of these materials only and inculcate in others to do the same.
Use public transportation
Taking the bus to work instead of driving there or choosing to travel by trains instead of planes are some of the highly impactful greenways. Even though there are alternatives available to replace fossil fuels, they aren’t very mainstream yet. Therefore, taking the bus saves the fuel that would have been used up if the passengers followed their old habits of driving in individual cars or motorbikes.
Reduce the usage
  • Buying those junk snacks in non-recyclable plastic packaging can be avoided. Snacking can be made healthier and greener if you prepare them at home. Make it a weekend tradition to prepare snacks that can be stored for the week or even months.
  • Reducing the amount of shampoo, face wash, or toothpaste you use can make a significant effect. One should try to replace these items with plastic-free alternatives, but if you can’t, use small amounts, as much as required. The less you buy, the less plastic packaging ends up in the trash. Moreover, buying bigger packages instead of buying small ones also decreases the amount of wasted plastic.
  • Be habitual of closing the tap. Reducing the wastage of water can be a green act of goodwill for your fellow humans as well as animals that depend on it. Buying the clothes that you need instead of following fast-fashion is one more way to a greener lifestyle.
Reuse the modern way
There are options available for almost everything if one is willing to try. Single-use plastic, which is a menace to society, should be completely replaced by alternatives like, cloth and paper bags, metal or biodegradable straws, reusable containers and reusable bottles. The habit of carrying reusable-items with you is a habit worth keeping up.
Recycle your waste
The very first step to recycling is separating. Keep the waste in these separate categories: Glass and metal, paper and cardboard, food scraps and peels, garden waste and E-waste. Find appropriate recycling or composting stations for the separated trash. Recycling is easy if you have the good habit of separating your waste.
Conserve electricity
Open up the curtains during the day instead of turning on all the lights. Turn the switches off when leaving home or going to bed. Small steps in your routine can make a huge impact. This habit will save you some money and save the earth some of its fossil fuels. Try to switch to clean electricity like solar or wind-powered.
Eat less meat and dairy
Cattle require a lot of agricultural land for growing fodder and rearing the animals. Many times, forests are cut down to make grazing lands, which makes cattle rearing one of the contributors to global warming. Moreover, cows, goats, sheep and buffaloes produce a harmful gas called methane. CH4 and CO2 are two gases that contribute to most of the global warming. Eating less or skipping meat and dairy altogether can help significantly in
the long run. Several studies show that an eating habit like this is better for your health.
Getting used to these steps towards a green lifestyle and adopting them as habits can not only make an impact on the global scenario of climate change and pollution but can also give you a sense of responsibility, fulfilment and optimism. Strive to follow these tips and build a happier planet for you and future generations.
Kaustubh Kulkarni

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